
Phase II Public Meeting

19 February 2024

The second Public Meeting allowed community members to review and provide feedback on draft recommendations and test concepts for the Downtown Master Plan.

Participate in the Public Meeting Online:

If you weren't able to attend in-person, you can still be a part of the conversation!

After reviewing the meeting materials below, be sure to click the FEEDBACK FORM button to provide your thoughts on the draft recommendations and test concepts presented.

Introductory Presentation

The Consultant Team gave a presentation to community members during the 2/19 Public Meeting to explain the project's history and purpose, review Phase I public input, and introduce draft recommendations.

View the presentation below:

Presentation Boards

Large presentation boards were displayed outside the MHS auditorium where community members could review and discuss the draft goals, recommendations, and test concepts with City Staff and the Consultant Team.

Scroll through the different boards below:

Don't forget to leave your feedback!