
First Public Open House

30 October 2023

The first Public Open House allowed community members to share ideas and priorities for Downtown Monroe, as well as ask questions and provide input in a variety of interactive ways

Participate in the Open House Online:

If you weren't able to attend in-person, you can still be part of the conversation!

Visit the links below to provide your input on the material presented at the Open House now until December 1st :

Open House Recap

At the Open House, City Staff and the Consultant Team from KZF Design met with community members to answer questions and discuss the project, overall goals, and next steps.

The following topics were covered to provide information and allow residents to give their input:

  • Downtown Character Zones - a brief overview and description of each zone was provided along with a visual preference survey of inspirational imagery for community members to vote on.
  • Downtown Public Realm - similar to the Character Zones boards, a series of inspirational imagery of different public realm features and amenities was provided for community members to vote on their favorite images.
  • Existing Conditions Map - a station was provided where community members could call attention to specific areas or places in downtown meant to mimic the Interactive Map available online.
  • Big Ideas Board - community members were able to post their big ideas for the future of Downtown Monroe similar to the online Ideas Wall.

Presentation Boards

Event Photos